Why yes. Yes they do. Even after gently telling this man that your schedule is quite robust. AND after multiple (failed) attempts to try to see you on the same day. Do men actually want a puppy dog? Someone that is waiting around... just in case he calls and wants to see you? Let me keep my schedule wide open because at 6:30 pm you might decide you want to see me. Pshhhhhhhaaaaahhhhh.

I know I should have just said something mature like "My schedule isn't such that you can ask me same day..." or "It works better if I have a little notice" or "I'm on a dating hiatus right now from men - especially men like you." Instead I went for the Wayne's World reply. Apparently I have the humor of a 13 year old boy.
The fact he didn't understand my Wayne's World speak only further validates that he's not the guy for me. It also shows he's not the quickest in reading social cues and dealing with social situations. He told me on our first - and only- date (months ago now) that he only dates women with big tits. ::shudder:: He used the word "tits." WHY? Why would you say this to a woman you've just met? Scratch that. Why would you say that ever? Even if it's true.... it's one of those things you can keep to yourself. And keep that word to yourself, too. Barf.
Admittedly a random post - I apologize. But it's an effort to show that I'm no longer tolerating jokers. I'll close with some gems in case you haven't seen the movie in a while:
"Garth, marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries."
"If it's a severed head, I'm going to be very upset."
"A gun rack... a gun rack?! I don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do with a gun rack?"
"She will be mine. Oh, yes - she will be mine."
"Ribbed for her pleasure. Ewww."
"Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?"
"No Stairway. Denied!"
cross the t's and dot the...lower case j's.